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HomeShare Kootenai County, Inc.

HomeShare Kootenai County, Inc.



About Us

HomeShare Kootenai County is a local nonprofit providing housing solutions that aim to increase the availability and affordability of housing in Kootenai County by connecting home providers with home seekers. Homesharing is a mutually beneficial arrangement: Providing extra income for one party and affordable housing for the other.

Homesharing is a viable option for a wide range of individuals of all ages. HomeShare Kootenai County will process applications from both home providers and home seekers, screen applicants, and facilitate matches.

HomeShare Kootenai County has launched our applications live now for home providers and home seekers!


HomeShare KC a viable housing solutions for Kootenai County
HomeShare KC screens and match home providers and seekers.
HomeShare KC provides a more affordable housing option.

Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Duncan Menzies

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