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Waki Reiki

Waki Reiki


Holistic Health Care

About Us

In 2018 I was experiencing a wide variety symptoms (insomnia, weight gain, hair loss, anxiety, depression, body aches, hot flashes - and more). After seeing multiple western doctors and specialists, I was left with unanswered questions. Each doctor was unable to properly diagnosis me, but was willing to prescribe me medication. The offered solution did not align with me; I wanted to know the root cause. This is what began my healing journey and entrance into the eastern world. I met with naturopaths, Reiki Masters/energy workers, a wellness coach and started meeting regularly with a therapist. With the support from all these specialist, I learned the body/mind/energy/spirit is all connected and dependent on one another. For me to heal, I had to address each one.

Now healthy and emerging from the other side of this experience, I want to help other women like myself. Women with unbalanced hormones, trapped energy, low self esteem. Women who feel just as lost and alone as I did. Based on my experience, I am a true believer that all aspects that make YOU need to be healed. This is why I provide a variety of services, and can curate a customized program based on your needs. I coach with empathy, intuitiveness and a bit of humor to help through the harder times. I believe in the power of Reiki and Energy Work as strongly as I believe in the importance of mental and physical health.

If you are seeking to embark on a healing journey, or simply wanting Reiki/energy work reach out for a free 15 min discovery call. I would love to hear more about you and your goals!


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Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Lindsey Halloran
Spiritual Coach/ Reiki Practitioner

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